Lyme-Old Lyme Lions to Begin PediaVision Screenings
The Lyme-Old Lyme Lions are preparing to perform eye screenings in local preschools. The PediaVision SPOT VS100 equipment screens children ages 2 through 5 years of age for such eye abnormalities as:
- Astigmatism : irregularly shaped corneas or lenses
- Myopia : nearsightedness
- Hyperopia : farsightedness
- Strabismus : Misalignment of the eyes
- Anisometropia : unequal refractive power
- Anisocoria : pupil size anomalies
Our Lions will be contacting preschools in Lyme and Old Lyme to see if parents are interested in having their preschoolers tested. For more information, use the Contact Us page on this website to get in touch with the club.